Tour dates

Appointments for the following dates are possible now!
Private visits from approx. 10-22 o'clock by arrangement!

For appointments outside of Frankfurt, please make an appointment in advance, as I am mainly in appointments on site.

Frankfurt am Main

Always on request!

●17.12. to 5.1.25 in Frankfurt private


● 18.+19.+20.1.25

●25.1. to 10.2.25

Please also note all other dates in the other cities/countries when making an inquiry!


Bizarre apartment can be visited privately - by arrangement!

  • ❗️Unfortunately, only these dates are currently available for 2025 in Studio Elegance. Please note the other data in various apartments in Munich and surroundings/ Augsburg!
  • January/VIP-LOUNGE: 9.1.+10.1.25 "Also Doublesessions with Mistress Xena in VIP-LOUNGE possible!" On 10.1.25 big event with many Dominatrixes/Bizarrladies! ❗️DETAILS BELOW❗️
  • May 13.+14.+15.5.25 VIP-LOUNGE ❗️Doublesessions with Ella Narcotic possible❗️


Bizarre studio can be visited - by arrangement!

  • currently no other dates planned for 20 25


Visit me at Venus in Berlin!


  • October: 24. - 27.10.24

Vienna / Austria

Bizarre studio can be visited - by arrangement!

  • currently no other dates planned for 20 25

Near Erlensee

-Bookings only possible on request from 2 hours!

-Double sessions with Lady Christina Winter and me available on request!


Visitable private

  • January: 21.1.+ 22.1.+ 23.1.25 (Apartment) NO BDSM furniture but a lot of equipment!


Visitable private

  • January: 14.1.+ 15.1.+ 16.1.25


Visitable private

  • January: 7.1.+ 8.1.25


BDSM Apartment can be visited - by arrangement!

  • currently no other dates planned for 20 25


BDSM New Year's Reception - PARTY


The year is slowly coming to an end and we have just successfully completed the last FEMDOM party!
So we want to get you in the mood for next year, where the first BDSM party will take place on 10.01.2025 in the VIP lounge of the Elegance studio, starting at 18.00 o'clock

This time the stately ladies:

Herrin Xena

Comtessa Loredana

Mistress Olympya


"new" Deutsche Bizarrlady Theresa

(and already for the second time in this context)

Ella Bizarr

Accept you!

Of course there will also be female surprise guests again!

Every guest can look forward to the great buffet from Mistress Xena and there will also be plenty to drink!

The party is not a community education, but the focus will be on celebrating and playing together!

Of course, the individual Dominas will also take care of their guests!

So both the experienced slave and an inexperienced newcomer or a lover of bizarre dates can experience an unforgettable good time and horny femdom party in a truly exclusive and safe setting!

The participants should enjoy themselves, get to know each other and have fun together!

Not only players are invited but also guests who would like to experience this special atmosphere!

Registration and further information are now available from Mistress Xena.

The deposit will not be refunded if you do not attend!

from the whole TEAM and see you soon…

Please book via Mistress Xena:
+49 1517 1373659

Private and discreet apartment/holiday flat wanted in Baden Württemberg, for long-term use, for me and my girlfriend.

Please send offers via WhatsApp or email to my contact details!

Thank you very much